Are you a vocal or instrumental music teacher?
Would you like to know more about -
empowering students as lifelong music makers?
What about 21st century music teaching tools?
Student-Centered Teaching?
How can music teachers get students to practice?
Best tools to keep students engaged?
YOU'VE come to the right place.
TEACH MUSIC 21C is here for music teachers like you.
At Teach Music 21C -
We offer forward-thinking professional development.
For all genres of music studio teaching.
Online and in-person.
Vocal and instrumental.
Introducing Founder of
Teach Music 21C:
Merlin B. Thompson
Helping music teachers become the best you can possibly be.
Our Certification program is made for you.
We know how to engage and inspire today's music students.
We have best tools for Student-Centered Teaching.
We've got neuroscience research to boost practicing.
What today's music teachers say about Teach Music 21C Certification -
Testimonial from Lana: "Teach Music 21C Certification helped me clarify my thoughts. This course gave me a framework for interacting with each student and family individually in a way that serves their situations and needs best. I have been excited by the growth I see within my students as they have more of a say in their artistic education and have had to lengthen course times because they didn't want the lesson to end!"
We invite you to join our community.
Testimonial from Peter: "The entire approach to teaching music - teach the whole student not just the music, employ curricula and pedagogy that motivate AND instruct to high standards, the role of parents and family, among many other ideas, Teach Music 21C Certification has clarified my thinking and inspired me to continue to become the teacher I always knew I could be. I recommend it whole-heartedly!"
Testimonial from Laurence: "Teach Music 21C Certification is a long awaited breath of fresh air. It is exactly what I needed for my music studio. Students have loved absolutely everything I have tried from this course. I highly recommend TM21C Certification to all teachers!"
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